Welcome to FLIFA!
The Football League including Flags Also

Welcome to our website! We are really excited to announce the 2024 Fall Season, starting on September 7th! Make sure you sign up by August 28th to be included!

Version 1
1. Gameplay
1.1 The field is to be 80/90 yards in length, with an endzone 10 yards deep on both sides, and the
60/65 yards between divided into two sections of 30 yards
1.2 Both teams may have up to 5 players on the field for a play.
• 1.2.1 If a team is unable to field at least 3 players, the game is declared a forfeit, and a victory for the opposing team.
1.3 The offense will always start their drive on the front line of the defense’s endzone (except following
an interception)
1.4 The offense will have 4 downs to advance to ball to the closest field division line (first down or end
1.5 The ball can be advanced by forward pass or by backwards lateral.
1.6 Any pass from the quarterback must be overhanded (e.g. shovel, underhand not allowed)
1.7 Only one forward pass may be attempted per play, and the thrower must be behind the line of
scrimmage. The play is dead if the ball hits the ground. The ball returns to the original line of
scrimmage for the next play.
1.8 There is no limit to the number of lateral passes allowed on a play and can be attempted at any
point on the field. The play is dead if the ball hits the ground. The ball will be spotted at the
point where the pass was attempted, and possession goes to the defense.
1.9 The player who starts the play with the ball in their hands may attempt one forward pass or one
backward pass. If a backward pass behind the line of scrimmage is received from the original
ballhandler, that receiver then becomes the only player who must complete a forward pass. He
cannot run (even if rushed) and must attempt a forward pass.
1.10 Handoffs and pitches are not allowed. See 1.9
1.11 During the duration of the of the play, the ballcarrier is marked down where their flags are
removed from their body by another player. During a play, if the player receives the ball and his
flags fall off by his own motion inadvertently, they may advance the ball and will be marked down
when touched by an opposing player.
• 1.11.1 If a player receives the ball after their flags have been removed or fallen from their body, they may advance the ball and are marked down when they are touched by an opposing player.
1.12 If the ballcarrier fumbles the ball, the play is immediately declared dead, and the ball is
spotted at the place where the ballcarrier last had possession. The offense maintains possession
of the ball.
1.13 If the defense intercepts a pass, they can advance the ball. If they are brought down,
they take over possession at the mark that they are brought down. If they are brought down in
the offense’s endzone, the intercepting team takes over possession from the 5-yard line. If
the intercepting team is able to return the ball into their own endzone, it is treated as if they
had scored an offensive touchdown.
1.14 The player who receives the snap may not advance beyond the line of scrimmage except
if the defense advances beyond the line of scrimmage. If this player transfers possession of the
ball, they are allowed to advance beyond the line of scrimmage.
1.15 Each team is given 2, 30-second timeouts per half
1.16 Blocking is permitted behind the line of scrimmage only. Players must have hands behind their
backs and move their feet only to obstruct rushers. Use of hands and any contact deemed
unnecessary by the referee will result in an illegal blocking penalty.
1.17 The defense has 2 rush attempts per set of 4 downs. If the offense gains a first down, the defensive
rush attempts replenish.
2. Scoring
2.1 If the offense advances the ball into their endzone, they receive 6 points. The offense may then
elect to receive an extra point or attempt an untimed 2-point play. The 2-point play starts from
8 yards from the endzone. If the offense is able get into the endzone in one play, they receive
the 2 points. If they are unable, they do not receive the 2 points.
In regards to interceptions
• 2.1.1 If the defense intercepts and returns a 2-point play to the opposite endzone, they are
awarded 2 points. They also receive possession of the ball.
• 2.1.2 If the ballcarrier is brought down short of their endzone, no points are awarded.
Possession is then transferred to the intercepting team on the 5-yard line.
2.2 If the offense is unable to advance the ball beyond the first down or into the endzone in 4 plays,
the ball is turned over on downs and no points are awarded.
2.3 If the ballcarrier is marked down inside or behind of the defense’s endzone (5 yards behind the
start of the drive), it is declared a safety, and the defense is awarded 2 points and possession of
the ball.
2.4 The offense can elect to attempt a 3-point play (must be in opposing team’s territory). This play
occurs half the distance from the original line of scrimmage to the goal line. If the offense is able to
get into the endzone, they are awarded 3 points. If the offense fails to complete the 3-pt attempt,
the defense takes possession from the original line of scrimmage (not the mark of the 3-pt
In regards to interceptions
• 2.4.1 If the defense intercepts the 3-point play and returns it to their endzone, they are
awarded 6 points, and possession of the ball returns to the team that attempted the 3-pt
• 2.4.2 If the ballcarrier is brought down short of their own endzone, it is treated like an ordinary
interception. The defense retains possession of the ball and starts from the position of the field where they are marked down.
• 2.4.3 The defense may only rush the quarterback on the 3-pt play if they have one remaining in
the drive.
3. Penalties
3.1 Loss of down penalties are given for the following rule violations:
• Illegal Forward Pass
o Either attempting 2 forward passes in a single play or attempting a forward
pass from beyond the line of scrimmage
• Sack
o If a forward pass has not been attempted 6 seconds after the ball is
snapped, the play is declared dead at the spot of the person with the ball (unless the defense rushes). If the defense rushes, the sack count is stopped.
• Offensive delay of game
o The offense takes more than 30 seconds after the ball is spotted to snap the
3.2 5-yard penalties are given for the following rule violations:
• False Start
o An offensive player advancing 2 or more steps beyond the line of scrimmage
• Offsides
o A defensive player advances beyond the line of scrimmage before the ball is
o The offense may not draw the defense offsides using a silent count or cadence since there is no official “snap” by a center. If centers are added this rule will be voided.
• Illegal substitution
o Having more than 5 players on the field at the start of a play.
• Flag Guarding
o Preventing the defender from being able to grab your flags
3.3 Defensive Holding: 10 yards from the dead ball spot
• 3.3.1 No player may hold any part of another player. The only exception to this is holding onto
either the shirt or shorts of the ballcarrier incidentally in the act of trying to go for the
3.4 Illegal Blocking: 10 yards from the spot of the foul
• 3.4.1 An offensive player may not initiate contact with a defensive player. They may not use any
of their extremities to impede the path of the defensive player. They are allowed to act as
an immobile obstacle only
3.5 Pass Interference: Defensive, 15 yards from line of scrimmage; Offensive, 5 yards and loss of down
• 3.5.1 Use of the hands to push off or grab the opposing player.
• 3.5.2 Contact with the other player without apparent attempt to pursue the ball
3.6 Sideline warning: Offensive, loss of 2 downs; Defensive, 20-yard penalty
• 3.6.1 Players who are not on the field at the beginning of the play entering the field of play
while a play is in progress
• 3.6.2 Yelling at the referee. All communication to the referees is to be carried out by team
captains only. The sideline gets one warning before the full punishment is applied
• 3.6.3 If a player who has been disqualified from play by 2 personal foul calls receives a sideline
warning, that player is suspended for the remainder of the season.
3.7 Incidental Contact: 10 yards from the spot of the foul.
• 3.7.1 Any forceable contact between the ballcarrier and a defensive player.
• 3.7.2 The penalty with be assessed on the party that is deemed more at fault
3.8 Personal Fouls: 15 yards from previous spot or dead ball spot, whichever is worse.
• 3.8.1 Unnecessary roughness
o Intentionally moving into the path of the ballcarrier to
o Forcible contact between players, such as trucking
o Contact with hands or arms above the belt of the ball carrier, specifically the chest or face
o Chopping of the defender’s arms or stiff arm to head or face area
• 3.8.2 Unsportsmanlike Conduct
o Use of foul language
o Continued, mean-spirited taunting or jawing
o Removal of clothing
• 3.8.3 Flag Tampering
o Intentionally fastening flags in such a way as to make them more difficult to remove from the player after warnings from the referee.
o Intentionally placing flags underneath clothing so as to make them more difficult to remove.
• 3.8.4 A warning should be offered for any of these penalties, but this is at the discretion of
the referee.
• 3.8.5 Two of these calls on a single player in a single game will result in that players expulsion
from the game
o These penalties to do not add to one another. An unnecessary roughness and an
unsportsmanlike conduct being called on a single player does not result in
expulsion. Only if the player has two personal fouls of the same class.
• 3.8.6 Expulsion from two consecutive games results in suspension from league play for the
remainder of the season
o Suspensions can be appealed. This is in the form of a vote of the 3 team captains of the team which the player does not belong. Team captains cannot appeal their own suspensions
3.9 Defensive delay of game: 10-yard penalty for 1st violation and stop the clock if it benefits the
offense. 15-yd penalty for all subsequent intentional violations.
• 3.9.1 Any attempt by the defense to waste the game clock by hindering the offense from
snapping the ball.
4. Game Clock/Time
4.1 The game is divided into 2, 20-minute halves with a 5-minute halftime taking place between
4.2 The game clock runs at all times except for timeouts and the last 2 minutes of only the 2nd half for
the following:
• Incomplete forward pass
• After a change of possession
o Touchdown is scored
o Turnover on downs
o After an interception return
o After an incomplete lateral pass
• During a 2-point play
• If the ballcarrier runs out of bounds prior to having flags removed
• When a timeout is called
• After a penalty is called
• If the offense gains a first down
4.3 On offense, each team has 30-seconds to snap the ball. Play clock starts at the referee’s discretion
4.4 Challenges: Each team captain will have one challenge per game in which referees may consult the
video recording.
• If the challenge fails, the challenging team will lose a timeout
• If the challenge is successful, the challenging team retains all remaining timeouts
• If the team has no timeouts, they may not use a challenge
• Only the team captain may initiate a challenge on a play
• Penalties called by a referee on the field may not be challenged
4.5 An equipment failure does not warrant an automatic timeout of gameplay. A team must use a
remaining 30-second timeout for the clock and gameplay to stop. The timeout will not be extended
if the player remains sidelined for longer than 30 seconds. If they cannot substitute the player out,
the team must play with the players they have.
5. Overtime
5.1 Each team will have one offensive possession from half field to score. If the game is still tied after
each team’s possession, they each receive another offensive drive, but must go for 2-pts after a
touchdown. If still tied, teams will have one play to score from the 8-yard line until one team scores
and the other fails to score.
• Defense has 2-rush attempts per the 4 downs, as normal
• On 2-pt conversions, the defense is allowed to rush